
Without our remarkable volunteers, SRBR would be far more limited in what it can do for all our members. For those who are volunteers, we hope you find fulfillment in giving of your time and expertise for the good of SRBR.
If you’d like to volunteer, please read below to explore the list of current committees and if there is one that you would like to join or learn more about, please reach out directly to the committee chair or to Whatever reason prompts you to volunteer, we thank you!


Awards Committee: Director Award, Junior Faculty Research Award, and SRBR Leader Award

The Director and Junior Faculty Award committee is responsible for reviewing applications from the membership for both these prestigious Awards.


Deboard Bell-Pedersen, Chair, Texas A&M University, USA

Antony Dodd, John Innes Centre, UK

Yoshi Fukada, The University School of Science, Japan

Francois Rouyer, Universite Paris Sud-CNRS, France


Awards Committee: Trainee and Travel Awards

The Travel and Trainee Awards committee is responsible for reviewing applications from eligible individuals of all career stages for the Trainee and Young Faculty Diversity Enhancement Fellowships and the Merit and Excellence Awards.

Shihoko Kojima, Chair, Virginia Tech, USA

Fabian Fernandez, University of Arizona, USA

Sarah Reece, University of Edinburgh, UK

Swathi Yadiapalli, University of Michigan, USA

Rajesh Narasimamurthy, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

Daniel Mauvoisin, Nantes Universite/INSERM/CNRS, France

Nicole Bowles, Oregon Health & Science University, USA


Communications Committee

The Communications Committee produces the quarterly newsletter for members which reports on discoveries, opportunities, and awards in the field.

Shelley Tischkau, Chair, Southern Illinois University

Fundación Instituto Leloir


Education Committee

The Education Committee aims to support the development of current and new chronobiologists by organizing and overseeing educational activities related to biological rhythms. This includes establishing online resources for education and ensuring there are annual Chronobiology Summer Schools.

Matt Bulter, Chair, Oregon Health & Science University

Karyn Esser, University of Florida

Sato Honma, Research and Education Center for Brain Science, Hokkaido University

Tanya Leise, Amherst College

Sheeba Vasu, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

Luoying Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Fundraising Committee 

The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to raise funds for the biennial SRBR conference. The committee seeks funds to assure the participation of a diverse pool of scientists in our biennial meeting.

Orie Shafer, Chair, Advanced Science Research Center, CUNY

Governmental Affairs Committee

The mission of the Government Affairs Committee (GAC) is to advocate on behalf of the membership of the SRBR to increase federal government support for research on sleep and circadian rhythms and to promote circadian and sleep medicine for improving health, safety, performance, and productivity.  The GAC works with members and staff of the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as program officers within various government agencies (e.g., NIH, DoD, CDC, DoT),  to seek support for circadian and sleep research. The SRBR-GAC also works with other scientific societies (e.g., Sleep Research Society) and patient advocacy groups to achieve its mission.

Karen Gamble, Co-Chair,  University of Alabama at Birmingham

Karyn Esser, Co-Chair, University of Florida

Michael Geusz, Bowling Green State University

Ryan Logan, Boston University School of Medicine

Louis Ptacek, University of California, San Francisco

Kenneth Wright, University of Colorado Boulder

Logo Committee

The Logo Committee is responsible for selecting the logo that will be used to represent the next conference.

Luis Larrondo, Chair, Pontifica Universidad Catolica De Chile


Program Committee 

The Program Committee is responsible for drawing up the program for the biennial SRBR conference. This is a gathering of hundreds of established researchers, postdoctoral fellows and students interested in various aspects of biological rhythms. The research presented at the conference touches upon various areas of chronobiology, from basic mechanisms to clinical applications, using a broad range of model organisms.

Christine Merlin, Chair, Texas A&M, USA

Karyn Esser, University of Florida, USA

Fernanda Ceriani, Fundación Instituto Leloir, Argentina

Eric Zhang, National Institute of Biological Sciences, China

Eva Schernhammer, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Antony Dodd, John Innes Centre, United Kingdom

Michael Rust, University of Chicago, USA


Professional Development and Mentorship Committee

The goal of the SRBR Professional Development and Mentorship Committee is to expand and sustain trainee professional development for SRBR and improve SRBR’s capacity to provide meaningful professional development at all career stages.  This committee is also responsible for the planning and delivery of the Trainee and Professional Development Day and Junior Faculty Workshops that are associated with SRBR Meeting.

Jenn Evans, Co-Chair, Marquette University


Ryan Logan, UMass Chan Medical School, Junior Faculty workshop chair

Lauren Hablitz, University of Rochester

Alex Keene, Texas A&M

Selma Masri, University of California, Irvine

Frank Scheer, Harvard Medical School

Neus Ballester, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics 

Olivia Cox, Vanderbilt University 

Yao Cai, University of California, Davis

Maria Gonzalez-Aponte, Washington University in St Louis

Rebecca Mello, Scripps Research Institute

Ebimobowei Preh, Texas A&M

Velia Vizcarra, University of Rochester

Maria Yurgel, NIMH


 Junior Faculty Workshop Committee (Subcommittee of Program Development and Mentorship Committee)

Ryan Logan, Chair, University of Massachusetts Medical School


Public Outreach Committee

The SRBR Public Outreach Committee creates, curates, and distributes content about biological rhythms to increase its visibility and impact, and to position SRBR as a source of accurate and useful chronobiological information, especially in social media and on the web.

Andrew Beale, Public Outreach Fellow, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

Carla Finkielstein, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Diego Golombek, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Carl Johnson, Vanderbilt University

Jae Kyoung Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Elizabeth Klerman, Massachusetts General Hospital

Bharath Ananthasubramaniam, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Céline Vetter, University of Colorado Boulder