Check back for more information regarding the 2018 Meeting.
The training of our next generation of chronobiologists is an important aspect of SRBR and its meeting.
At a glance:
Saturday, May 12, 2018
The Trainee Professional Development Day is an entire day devoted to scientific and career development activities for undergraduate, graduate and Postdoctoral trainees (see tentative Schedule below). The day consists of a keynote address, an activity consisting of one-on-one blitz discussions, and a series of workshops on various topics. The goal of the Trainee Professional Development Day is to allow the next generation of biological rhythm researchers to learn from and interact with faculty members in a more informal and intimate setting than that allowed by the main conference.
Only those who have pre-registered will be allowed to participate. Email invitations will be sent at a later time for selection and registration of specific workshops. These invitations will be sent out by priority order. Registered trainees should attend the workshops they select when invited by email. This final registration information will be emailed as well as posted on the message board in the conference center prior to the first session.
Sunday-Wednesday, May 13-16, 2018
“Meet the Professor” sessions are meant to provide trainees (students and postdocs) the opportunity to interact with experienced faculty members in the field and to foster scholarly conversation. Each day of the SRBR conference, ~7-9 faculty researchers make themselves available to discuss with trainees, in a dedicated location in or close to the conference center typically during the morning break. Any trainee interested in meeting these investigators can go to the meeting location and be part in this informal gathering. A schedule of faculty participants will be released in the coming months.
“Datablitz Sessions” will take place on Sunday to Tuesday evenings, before each of the poster sessions. During these datablitz, some of the trainees presenting posters will be invited to present in a very short talk the key elements of their poster, providing extra visibility for their work.
Trainee Day Schedule, May 12, 2018
9:00 am – 9:20 am Welcome and Orientation
9:20 am – 10:00 am Keynote Address
10:10 am – 11:00 am Session 1
11:15 am – 12:05 pm Session 2
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch
2:25 pm – 3:55 pm Session 3
4:10 pm – 5:00 pm Session 4
5:00 pm Conclusion of Trainee Professional Development Day