The Society for Research on Biological Rhythms is an international society established in 1986 to promote the advancement and dissemination of research in all aspects of biological rhythms.
Latest news
NIH Opportunity for Early Career Scientists
Early Career Scientists who would like review experience can apply to participate in an NIH Early Career Reviewer Program. For more information on this great opportunity, please...
Message from SRBR President: NIH is looking for recommendations for reviewers
As you all know, it is critical for our research efforts to have chronobiology represented well at NIH study sections. And many of us have complained about lack of sufficient representation in the past. We now have the opportunity to recommend reviewers, and so...
Clock blog
Of Larks and Owls: What’s a Chronotype?
In today’s world of sleep trackers and activity monitors, we are ever more conscious of our body’s rhythms and getting *enough* sleep. However, it’s not just how much we sleep that we need to pay attention to, but when we sleep – it has a much bigger impact on...
Planning for a faraway trip? Make sure to let your inner clock know your plan
When we travel over multiple time zones within a day, this causes discomfort as our inner biological rhythms become desynchronized – what’s known as “jet lag”. Depending on whether you are […]